Emge Elementary PTO

Hello Emge Families - 

We are so excited to be getting in the swing of things and are ready to see many returning faces and meet all of our new families!  Here are some important events that are coming up:

  • BACK TO SCHOOL BASH - This event will be held on Friday, September 8, from 5:30 - 7:00 on the back lot at Emge.  Please park in the front, and walk around to join in the festivities!  There will be many free activities for all the kiddos to enjoy including a bounce house obstacle course, a treat trot, and our favorite DJ, Mr. Lovelace!  You will also be able to purchase sno-cones, water, or a dinner combo.  The dinner combo will include a hot dog, bag of chips, and a bottle of water, for $3.00.  Please complete the attached BTSB Google Form so we have an idea of how much food to purchase! 

    Back To School Bash

  • TREAT TROT- We would like to have a treat trot game for kids and adults to participate in during the bash.  To do this, we are asking for any help you might be willing to provide.  If you are willing to help, a sign-up genius is below. We ask that all donations be dropped off at school by Wednesday, September 6.  
    Treat Trot Sign Up

  • PTO General Meeting - Please join us for our first PTO meeting of the year on Monday, September 11 at 6:00.  We will be providing drinks and desserts!  We will also have childcare available for the meeting.  This meeting is very important, as we discuss new initiatives and kick-off our fundraiser on the right foot.  We know it has been a long time since we have had an open meeting, but would love to see as many of our families as possible at this event.  Please complete the PTO Meeting Google Form so we can plan for refreshments and childcare. 
    PTO General Meeting

The PTO truly appreciates all you do to help make Emge the best school possible for our children!  As always, if you have any questions, please reach out to us at emgestarspto@gmail.com.


Emge PTO